American Chemical Society
ol048825r_si_001.pdf (378.29 kB)

Synthesis of Analogue Structures of the p-Quinone Methide Moiety of Kendomycin

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journal contribution
posted on 2004-09-02, 00:00 authored by Martin P. Green, Stefan Pichlmair, Maria M. B. Marques, Harry J. Martin, Oliver Diwald, Thomas Berger, Johann Mulzer
The synthesis of two model p-quinone methide ring systems of the antibiotic and antiosteoporotic compound kendomycin is reported. Two approaches were examined in detail, and the two-step (i) demethylation and (ii) DMDO oxidation were found to be reliable and generally applicable. Additionally, it was found that oxidation of a benzofuran by NaIO4 on silica produced a long-lived semiquinone radical.
