American Chemical Society
ic9b03699_si_001.pdf (935.03 kB)

Fashioning Prussian Blue Nanoparticles by Adsorption of Luminophores: Synthesis, Properties, and in Vitro Imaging

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-03-09, 15:33 authored by Ekaterina Mamontova, Morgane Daurat, Jérôme Long, Anastasia Godefroy, Fabrice Salles, Yannick Guari, Magali Gary-Bobo, Joulia Larionova
We report the postsynthetic functionalization of Prussian blue (PB) nanoparticles by two different luminophores (2-aminoanthracene and rhodamine B). We show that the photoluminescence properties of the fluorophores are modified by a confinement effect upon adsorption and demonstrate that such multifunctional nanosized systems could be used for in vitro imaging.
