American Chemical Society

Unravelling the Beneficial Influence of Ag insertion on the Thermoelectric Properties of the Cluster Compound K2Mo15Se19

Posted on 2020-02-20 - 21:03
Mo-based cluster compounds are an emerging class of potential candidates for thermoelectric applications because of several key crystallographic characteristics that drive their ability to transport heat close to that of amorphous systems. Here, we report on a detailed investigation of the crystal structure and high-temperature transport properties of the cluster compound K2Mo15Se19 and of its Ag-filled variant Ag3K2Mo15Se19. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction confirms that both compounds crystallize with a hexagonal crystal structure, successfully solved in the space group R3c, built by octahedral Mo6Se8 and bioctahedral Mo9Se11 clusters with K and Ag cations filling the large intercluster voids. In agreement with electronic band structure calculations, the electron transfer that occurs from the filling cations to the cluster subnetwork provides a simple guiding rule to predict the evolution of the transport properties upon filling with Ag. The metallic state observed in K2Mo15Se19 is turned into a more heavily doped semiconducting character in the presence of Ag resulting in enhanced thermopower values in Ag3K2Mo15Se19. The beneficial influence of Ag on the thermoelectric properties is also reflected by lowered lattice thermal conductivity values that reach 0.45 W m–1 K–1 at 750 K. These results indicate that inserting an additional element in the ternaries M2Mo15Se19 is an interesting route to improving their thermoelectric properties.


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