Acts as a Switch for Cholesterol-Dependent
Membrane Binding of ApoE Signal Peptide
Posted on 2024-04-03 - 13:34
The apolipoprotein E (ApoE) signal peptide is a short
stretch of
N-terminal amino acids that direct the ApoE protein to the endoplasmic
reticulum after synthesis. Previous studies have shown that this peptide
can bind to lipid membranes in a cholesterol-dependent manner; however,
the mechanism of this interaction is yet to be clarified. In this
study, we aimed to investigate how the composition of neighboring
lipids affects the membrane-binding of the ApoE signal peptide. We
found that a negatively charged lipid, such as phosphatidylglycerol,
can act as a switch that reduces the binding efficiency of the peptide
to cholesterol-rich membranes. Interestingly, phosphatidylethanolamine
does not activate the cholesterol-dependent binding of the ApoE signal
peptide yet acts synergistically to enhance the cholesterol sensitivity
in phosphatidylglycerol-containing membranes. To the best of our knowledge,
this is the first report of modulation of the affinity of a peptide
for a membrane by a neighboring lipid rather than by the lipid-binding
domain of the peptide. Our findings revealed a novel role of lipid
diversity in modulating the membrane binding of the ApoE signal peptide
and its potential implications in the unidirectional trafficking of
a newly synthesized protein from the ribosomes to the endoplasmic
No result found
Pradhan, Sasmita; Mirdha, Lipika; Sengupta, Tanusree; Chakraborty, Hirak (2024). Phosphatidylglycerol
Acts as a Switch for Cholesterol-Dependent
Membrane Binding of ApoE Signal Peptide. ACS Publications. Collection.