Nanoplastics in
Water: Artificial Intelligence-Assisted
4D Physicochemical Characterization and Rapid In Situ Detection
Posted on 2024-05-06 - 17:08
For the first time, we present a much-needed technology
for the
in situ and real-time detection of nanoplastics in aquatic systems.
We show an artificial intelligence-assisted nanodigital in-line holographic
microscopy (AI-assisted nano-DIHM) that automatically classifies nano-
and microplastics simultaneously from nonplastic particles within
milliseconds in stationary and dynamic natural waters, without sample
preparation. AI-assisted nano-DIHM identifies 2 and 1% of waterborne
particles as nano/microplastics in Lake Ontario and the Saint Lawrence
River, respectively. Nano-DIHM provides physicochemical properties
of single particles or clusters of nano/microplastics, including size,
shape, optical phase, perimeter, surface area, roughness, and edge
gradient. It distinguishes nano/microplastics from mixtures of organics,
inorganics, biological particles, and coated heterogeneous clusters.
This technology allows 4D tracking and 3D structural and spatial study
of waterborne nano/microplastics. Independent transmission electron
microscopy, mass spectrometry, and nanoparticle tracking analysis
validates nano-DIHM data. Complementary modeling demonstrates nano-
and microplastics have significantly distinct distribution patterns
in water, which affect their transport and fate, rendering nano-DIHM
a powerful tool for accurate nano/microplastic life-cycle analysis
and hotspot remediation.
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Wang, Zi; Pal, Devendra; Pilechi, Abolghasem; Ariya, Parisa A. (2024). Nanoplastics in
Water: Artificial Intelligence-Assisted
4D Physicochemical Characterization and Rapid In Situ Detection. ACS Publications. Collection.