American Chemical Society

Large Submillimeter Assembly of Microparticles with Necklace-like Patterns Formed by Laser Trapping at Solution Surface

Posted on 2020-07-15 - 20:29
In colloidal solution, nanoparticles can be optically trapped by a tightly focused laser beam, and they are assembled in a focal spot whose diameter is typically about one micrometer. We herein report that a large submillimeter sized assembly of polystyrene microparticles with necklace-like patterns are prepared by laser trapping at a solution surface. The light propagation outside the focal spot is directly confirmed by 1064 nm backscattering images, and finite difference time domain simulation well supports the idea that an optical potential is expanded outside the focal spot based on light propagation through whispering gallery mode. This demonstration opens a new method for fabrication of a millimeter-order huge assembly by a single tightly focused laser beam.


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