Genetic Variability
for Grain Components Related to
Nutritional Quality in Spelt and Common Wheat
Posted on 2023-07-03 - 04:47
Spelt (Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta) is part of the so-called ancient wheats. These types of wheats
are experiencing a revival as they have been proposed to be healthier
than conventional wheat. However, the given healthier condition of
spelt is not substantiated by solid scientific evidence. The objective
of this study was to analyze the genetic variability for several grain
components, related to nutritional quality (arabinoxylans, micronutrients,
phytic acid) in a set of spelt and common wheat genotypes to determinate
if spelt is potentially healthier than common wheat. The results obtained
indicated that within the compared species, there is a significant
variation in the nutritional compounds, and it is not truthful and
accurate to state that one species is healthier than the other. Within
both groups, genotypes showing outstanding values for some traits
were detected, which could be used in breeding programs to develop
new wheat cultivars with good agronomic performance and nutritional
No result found
Huertas-García, Ana Belén; Tabbita, Facundo; Alvarez, Juan B.; Sillero, Josefina C.; Ibba, M. Itria; Rakszegi, Marianna; et al. (1753). Genetic Variability
for Grain Components Related to
Nutritional Quality in Spelt and Common Wheat. ACS Publications. Collection.