American Chemical Society
ao9b04096_si_005.mp4 (20.79 MB)

Sterilization Methods and Their Influence on Physicochemical Properties and Bioprinting of Alginate as a Bioink Component

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posted on 2020-03-17, 08:36 authored by Thomas Lorson, Matthias Ruopp, Ali Nadernezhad, Julia Eiber, Ulrich Vogel, Tomasz Jungst, Tessa Lühmann
Bioprinting has emerged as a valuable three-dimensional (3D) biomanufacturing method to fabricate complex hierarchical cell-containing constructs. Spanning from basic research to clinical translation, sterile starting materials are crucial. In this study, we present pharmacopeia compendial sterilization methods for the commonly used bioink component alginate. Autoclaving (sterilization in saturated steam) and sterile filtration followed by lyophilization as well as the pharmacopeia noncompendial method, ultraviolet (UV)-irradiation for disinfection, were assessed. The impact of the sterilization methods and their effects on physicochemical and rheological properties, bioprinting outcome, and sterilization efficiency of alginate were detailed. Only sterile filtration followed by lyophilization as the sterilization method retained alginate’s physicochemical properties and bioprinting behavior while resulting in a sterile outcome. This set of methods provides a blueprint for the analysis of sterilization effects on the rheological and physicochemical pattern of bioink components and is easily adjustable for other polymers used in the field of biofabrication in the future.
