American Chemical Society

Recapitulation and Modulation of the Cellular Architecture of a User-Chosen Cell of Interest Using Cell-Derived, Biomimetic Patterning

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posted on 2015-06-23, 00:00 authored by John H. Slater, James C. Culver, Byron L. Long, Chenyue W. Hu, Jingzhe Hu, Taylor F. Birk, Amina A. Qutub, Mary E. Dickinson, Jennifer L. West
Heterogeneity of cell populations can confound population-averaged measurements and obscure important findings or foster inaccurate conclusions. The ability to generate a homogeneous cell population, at least with respect to a chosen trait, could significantly aid basic biological research and development of high-throughput assays. Accordingly, we developed a high-resolution, image-based patterning strategy to produce arrays of single-cell patterns derived from the morphology or adhesion site arrangement of user-chosen cells of interest (COIs). Cells cultured on both cell-derived patterns displayed a cellular architecture defined by their morphology, adhesive state, cytoskeletal organization, and nuclear properties that quantitatively recapitulated the COIs that defined the patterns. Furthermore, slight modifications to pattern design allowed for suppression of specific actin stress fibers and direct modulation of adhesion site dynamics. This approach to patterning provides a strategy to produce a more homogeneous cell population, decouple the influences of cytoskeletal structure, adhesion dynamics, and intracellular tension on mechanotransduction-mediated processes, and a platform for high-throughput cellular assays.
