Reservoir computing (RC), especially photonic RC based
on a single
semiconductor laser with a feedback loop, as a method of machine learning,
shows excellent performance in time series prediction and classification
tasks. The faster the processing speed, the shorter the feedback loop
should be employed. However, the performance of the system is not
ideal enough due to the limited reservoir nodes caused by the short
feedback loop. To overcome this drawback, it is necessary and challenging
to develop integrated photonic RC. In this paper, we propose an integrated
neuromorphic photonic time-delayed RC scheme based on an array of
four distributed feedback lasers (F-DFBs) with optical feedback and
injection. Here, we investigate the feasibility of using larger laser
arrays and shorter external feedback cavities to provide the RC system
with more virtual nodes at the same processing speed, enabling it
to handle more complex tasks. Additionally, we compare the performance
of the systems with a single DFB (the S-DFB RC) and the F-DFBs RC
through simulations and experiments involving iris recognition tasks.
Furthermore, the minimum symbol error rate values can reach 0.052
in experiments (and 0 in simulations).