American Chemical Society
nn5b07472_si_001.avi (4.65 MB)

Mechanical Chameleon through Dynamic Real-Time Plasmonic Tuning

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posted on 2016-01-13, 00:00 authored by Guoping Wang, Xuechen Chen, Sheng Liu, Chingping Wong, Sheng Chu
The development of camouflage methods, often through a general resemblance to the background, has recently become a subject of intense research. However, an artificial, active camouflage that provides fast response to color change in the full-visible range for rapid background matching remains a daunting challenge. To this end, we report a method, based on the combination of bimetallic nanodot arrays and electrochemical bias, to allow for plasmonic modulation. Importantly, our approach permits real-time light manipulation readily matchable to the color setting in a given environment. We utilize this capability to fabricate a biomimetic mechanical chameleon and an active matrix display with dynamic color rendering covering almost the entire visible region.
