sensors that can continuously sample sweat are critical for determining
the time-dependent physiological responses occurring in normal daily
life. Here, a new device, termed fluidic patch, for collecting human
sweat samples at defined time intervals is developed, and the proof-of-concept
is demonstrated. The device comprises micropumps and a disposable
microfluidic patch attached to the human skin. The fluidic patch continuously
collects aliquots of freshly secreted sweat accumulated in the fluidic
pathway at accurately defined time windows (typically 5 min). By measuring
the weight of the collected samples, the local sweat rate is calculated.
The sweat sample collected can be directly subjected to a wide range
of chemical analyses. For the proof-of-concept, we compared the sweat
rates during passive heating in human trials using the fluidic patch
and the conventional ventilated sweat capsule system. Although the
sweat rate obtained using the fluidic patch highly correlated with
that of the ventilated sweat capsule (R2 = 0.96, y = 1.4x – 0.05),
the fluidic patch overestimated the sweat rate compared with the ventilated
capsule system when the sweat rate exceeded 0.5 mg/(cm2·min). The sampled sweat was analyzed for sodium, potassium,
chloride, lactate, pyruvate, and cortisol. The device could obtain
the time courses of the concentrations of the abovementioned three
ions; the concentrations of sodium and chloride increased linearly
with the sweat rate during passive heating (R2 = 0.76 and 0.66, respectively). The device can reliably measure
the sweat rate and collect sweat samples for chemical analysis. It
can be utilized for real-time physiological investigations toward
wider applications.