manipulation of nonradiative decay channels is of crucial
significance to improve photothermal conversion efficiency (PCE) and
design photothermal agents. We first used the “internal and
external combined” nonradiative decay strategy to enhance PCE.
Specifically, organic IR-Y6 NPs with strong NIR absorption and high
molar extinction coefficient were prepared and characterized. By means
of TD-DFT calculations and fs-TA spectroscopy, the dual nonradiative
decay channels composed of the free rotor (external strategy) and
ultrafast dark excited states (DESs) between S0 and S1 states (internal strategy) were proved, which significantly
enhanced PCE, up to 66%. IR-Y6 NPs were applied to a mice tumor model
for photoacoustic image-guided photothermal therapy, showing complete
tumor ablation ability and good biocompatibility for the normal organs.
This work is of significance to deeply understand the nonradiation
decay mechanism and rational design of high-performance PTT agents.