American Chemical Society
ja3c12700_si_001.pdf (512.58 kB)

Unraveling Water Solvation Effects with Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics Semiclassical Vibrational Spectroscopy: The Case of Thymidine

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-03-12, 14:37 authored by Davide Moscato, Giacomo Mandelli, Mattia Bondanza, Filippo Lipparini, Riccardo Conte, Benedetta Mennucci, Michele Ceotto
We introduce a quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics semiclassical method for studying the solvation process of molecules in water at the nuclear quantum mechanical level with atomistic detail. We employ it in vibrational spectroscopy calculations because this is a tool that is very sensitive to the molecular environment. Specifically, we look at the vibrational spectroscopy of thymidine in liquid water. We find that the CO frequency red shift and the CC frequency blue shift, experienced by thymidyne upon solvation, are mainly due to reciprocal polarization effects, that the molecule and the water solvent exert on each other, and nuclear zero-point energy effects. In general, this work provides an accurate and practical tool to study quantum vibrational spectroscopy in solution and condensed phase, incorporating high-level and computationally affordable descriptions of both electronic and nuclear problems.
