American Chemical Society

Umami Altering Salivary Proteome: A Study across a Sensitivity Spectrum on Subjects

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-05-10, 17:34 authored by Yiwen Zhu, Xiaoxiao Feng, Ziyu Wang, Yin Zhang, Yuyu Zhang, Jianshe Chen, Yuan Liu
This study delved into the relationship between umami taste sensitivity (UTS) and variations in the salivary proteome among 12 healthy nonsmokers utilizing 4D data-independent acquisition-based proteomics. By assessing UTS through monosodium l-glutamate (MSG) detection thresholds, we discovered notable differences: individuals with high UTS detected umami at significantly lower MSG concentrations (0.20 ± 0.12 mM) compared to their low UTS counterparts (2.51 ± 1.21 mM). Both groups showed an upregulation of the S100A1 protein under MSG stimulation, indicating a potent biochemical response to umami stimuli. The high UTS group exhibited enhanced metabolic pathways including those for amino acid, lipid, and organic acid biosynthesis, essential for maintaining taste receptor functionality and enhancing signal transduction. This group also demonstrated increased activity in cytochrome P450 enzymes and ribonucleoprotein complexes, suggesting a readiness to manage metabolic challenges and optimize umami perception. In contrast, the low UTS group showed adaptive mechanisms, possibly through modulation of receptor availability and function, with an upregulation of structural and ribosomal proteins that may support taste receptor production and turnover. These findings suggest that varying biological mechanisms underpin differences in umami perception, which could significantly influence dietary preferences and nutritional outcomes, highlighting the intricate interplay of genetic, physiological, and metabolic factors in taste sensitivity.
