American Chemical Society

Tunable Neuromorphic Switching Dynamics via Porosity Control in Mesoporous Silica Diffusive Memristors

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-03-18, 04:33 authored by Tongjun Zhang, Li Shao, Ayoub Jaafar, Ioannis Zeimpekis, Cornelis H. de Groot, Philip N. Bartlett, Andrew L. Hector, Ruomeng Huang
In response to the growing need for efficient processing of temporal information, neuromorphic computing systems are placing increased emphasis on the switching dynamics of memristors. While the switching dynamics can be regulated by the properties of input signals, the ability of controlling it via electrolyte properties of a memristor is essential to further enrich the switching states and improve data processing capability. This study presents the synthesis of mesoporous silica (mSiO2) films using a sol–gel process, which enables the creation of films with controllable porosities. These films can serve as electrolyte layers in the diffusive memristors and lead to tunable neuromorphic switching dynamics. The mSiO2 memristors demonstrate short-term plasticity, which is essential for temporal signal processing. As porosity increases, discernible changes in operating currents, facilitation ratios, and relaxation times are observed. The underlying mechanism of such systematic control was investigated and attributed to the modulation of hydrogen-bonded networks within the porous structure of the silica layer, which significantly influences both anodic oxidation and ion migration processes during switching events. The result of this work presents mesoporous silica as a unique platform for precise control of neuromorphic switching dynamics in diffusive memristors.
