American Chemical Society
ja046964y_si_001.pdf (1.71 MB)

Triggering DNAzymes with Light:  A Photoactive C8 Thioether-Linked Adenosine

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journal contribution
posted on 2004-10-13, 00:00 authored by Richard Ting, Leonard Lermer, David M. Perrin
Herein we report evidence for a light-inducible DNAzyme. In so doing, we also disclose the synthesis and photochemical properties of a novel nucleoside:  8-(2-(4-imidazolyl)ethyl-1-thio)-2‘-deoxyriboadenosine (d1). The light sensitivity of (d1) was evaluated via an examination of the photoinduced reactivation of DNAzyme 8−17E from an inactive form that contained a single nucleotide (d1) modification. Restoration of DNAzyme activity results from a photoinduced reversion of (d1) to unmodified deoxyadenosine. Deuterium studies indicate that water is the source of hydrogen in the C8−H product and not the alkylthio group, suggesting that reversion of (1) to adenosine is not a consequence of simple homolysis of the C8−S bond but of an unprecedented photochemical conversion. This adenosine, which affords significant control of catalytic reactivation of a DNAzyme, may find general use in photodecaging other biological systems.
