American Chemical Society
jz300179k_si_001.pdf (1.09 MB)

Transforming Anodized WO3 Films into Visible-Light-Active Bi2WO6 Photoelectrodes by Hydrothermal Treatment

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journal contribution
posted on 2015-12-16, 21:13 authored by Charlene Ng, Akihide Iwase, Yun Hau Ng, Rose Amal
We directly transformed anodized tungsten oxide film (WO3·2H2O) into bismuth tungstate (Bi2WO6) by substituting the intercalated water molecules with [Bi2O2]2+ in a hydrothermal treatment. The resultant Bi2WO6 was readily used as an electrode to produce anodic photocurrent in H2 evolution on the Pt counter electrode observed under visible light irradiation.
