posted on 2014-02-18, 00:00authored byMichael S. Hutcheson, C. Mark Smith, Jane Rose, Carol Batdorf, Oscar Pancorbo, Carol
Rowan West, Joseph Strube, Corey Francis
Mercury (Hg) concentrations were monitored from 1999 to 2011 in
largemouth bass (LMB) and yellow perch (YP) in 23 lakes in Massachusetts
USA during a period of significant local and regional Hg emissions
reductions. Average LMB tissue Hg concentration decreases of 44% were
seen in 13 of 16 lakes in a regional Hg “hotspot” area.
YP in all lakes sampled in this area decreased 43% after the major
emissions reductions. Comparative decreases throughout the remainder
of the state were 13% and 19% for LMB and YP respectively. Annual
tissue mercury concentration rate decreases were 0.029 (LMB) and 0.016
mg Hg/kg/yr (YP) in the hotspot. In lakes around the rest of the state,
LMB showed no trend and YP Hg decreased 0.0068 mg Hg/kg/yr. Mercury
emissions from major point sources in the hotspot area decreased 98%,
and 93% in the rest of the state from the early 1990s to 2008. The
significant declines in fish Hg concentrations in many lakes occurred
over the second half of a two decade decrease in Hg emissions primarily
from municipal solid waste combustors and, secondarily, from other
combustion point sources. In addition to the substantial Hg emissions
reductions achieved in Massachusetts, further regional, national and
global emissions reductions are needed for fish Hg levels to decrease
below fish consumption advisory levels.