posted on 2013-11-06, 00:00authored byMark W. B. Wilson, Akshay Rao, Kerr Johnson, Simon Gélinas, Riccardo di Pietro, Jenny Clark, Richard H. Friend
use transient absorption spectroscopy to demonstrate that the
dynamics of singlet exciton fission in tetracene are independent of
temperature (10–270 K). Low-intensity, broad-band measurements
allow the identification of spectral features while minimizing bimolecular
recombination. Hence, by directly observing both species, we find
that the time constant for the conversion of singlets to triplet pairs
is ∼90 ps. However, in contrast to pentacene, where fission
is effectively unidirectional, we confirm that the emissive singlet
in tetracene is readily regenerated from spin-correlated “geminate”
triplets following fission, leading to equilibrium dynamics. Although
free triplets are efficiently generated at room temperature, the interplay
of superradiance and frustrated triplet diffusion contributes to a
nearly 20-fold increase in the steady-state fluorescence as the sample
is cooled. Together, these results require that singlets and triplet
pairs in tetracene are effectively degenerate in energy, and begin
to reconcile the temperature dependence of many macroscopic observables
with a fission process which does not require thermal activation.