American Chemical Society

Synthesis and Properties of Oligo[n]cruciforms: Nanosized Sterically Encumbered Tetraethynylphenyl-Homologated Fluorophores

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journal contribution
posted on 2009-07-03, 00:00 authored by Abdelaziz Al Ouahabi, Paul N. W. Baxter, Jean-Paul Gisselbrecht, André De Cian, Lydia Brelot, Nathalie Kyritsakas-Gruber
A series of nanosized phenyleneethynylenes have been prepared which are sterically insulated from the surrounding environment by multiple functionalization with triisopropylsilyl (TIPS) substituents. The phenyleneethynylenes comprise oligo[n]cruciforms 14 (n = 3−5) and a dehydrotribenzo[12]annulene 5, the former of which possess para-acyclic and the latter ortho-cyclic electronic conjugation pathways. All compounds were characterized by 1H and 13C NMR, IR, and mass spectroscopic techniques. The X-ray crystal structure of 1 confirmed the sterically isolating properties of the TIPS substituents. A comparison of the physical properties of these electronically differing systems revealed that they were all luminescent upon UV irradiation displayed negligible aggregation in dilute solution and that particular members of the series studied were electrochemically active, undergoing facile reversible reductions. The phenyleneethynylenes also exhibited significantly enhanced thermal stability by virtue of the presence of the TIPS substituents. The properties of 15 suggest that they are promising building blocks for the construction of materials for novel molecular electronics applications.
