the majority of the core light-harvesting complexes (LH1)
in purple photosynthetic bacteria exhibit a Qy absorption
band in the range of 870–890 nm, LH1 from the thermophilic
bacterium Thermochromatium tepidum displays the Qy band at 915 nm with an enhanced thermostability. These properties
are regulated by Ca2+ ions. Substitution of the Ca2+ with other divalent metal ions results in a complex with
the Qy band blue-shifted to 880–890 nm and a reduced
thermostability. Following the recent publication of the structure
of the Ca-bound LH1-reaction center (RC) complex [Niwa, S., et al.
(2014) Nature508, 228], we have
determined the crystal structures of the Sr- and Ba-substituted LH1-RC
complexes with the LH1 Qy band at 888 nm. Sixteen Sr2+ and Ba2+ ions are identified in the LH1 complexes.
Both Sr2+ and Ba2+ are located at the same positions,
and these are clearly different from, though close to, the Ca2+-binding sites. Conformational rearrangement induced by the
substitution is limited to the metal-binding sites. Unlike the Ca-LH1-RC
complex, only the α-polypeptides are involved in the Sr and
Ba coordinations in LH1. The difference in the thermostability between
these complexes can be attributed to the different patterns of the
network formed by metal binding. The Sr- and Ba-LH1-RC complexes form
a single-ring network by the LH1 α-polypeptides only, in contrast
to the double-ring network composed of both α- and β-polypeptides
in the Ca-LH1-RC complex. On the basis of the structural information,
a combined effect of hydrogen bonding, structural integrity, and charge
distribution is considered to influence the spectral properties of
the core antenna complex.