original approach is proposed to investigate inorganic (iHg)
and methylmercury (MeHg) trophic transfer and fate in a model fish, Danio rerio, by combining natural isotopic fractionation
and speciation. Animals were exposed to three different dietary conditions:
(1) 50 ng Hg g–1, 80% as MeHg; (2) diet enriched
in MeHg 10 000 ng Hg g–1, 95% as MeHg, and
(3) diet enriched in iHg 10 000 ng Hg g–1, 99% as iHg. Harvesting was carried out after 0, 7, 25, and 62 days.
Time-dependent Hg species distribution and isotopic fractionation
in fish organs (muscle, brain, liver) and feces, exhibited different
patterns, as a consequence of their dissimilar metabolization. The
rapid isotopic re-equilibration to the new MeHg-food source reflects
its high bioaccumulation rate. Relevant aspects related to Hg excretion
are also described. This study confirms Hg isotopic fractionation
as a powerful tool to investigate biological processes, although its
deconvolution and fully understanding is still a challenge.