American Chemical Society

Solvation and Ionization Stages of HCl on Ice Nanocrystals

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journal contribution
posted on 2002-09-25, 00:00 authored by Victoria Buch, Joanna Sadlej, Nevin Aytemiz-Uras, J. Paul Devlin
The study focuses on acid adsorption on cold ice particle surfaces. The investigation encompasses HCl, DCl, and HBr adsorbate spectroscopy, Monte Carlo simulations of molecular HCl adsorbate on a model ice particle, and ab initio studies of HCl solvation and ionization in mixed acid−water clusters. It is shown that ice nanocrystal surfaces offer a range of adsorption sites, in which HCl freezes in different recognizable solvation stages. These stages were identified spectroscopically and assigned, with the help of calculations, to weakly and strongly stretched HCl molecules, and to Zundel and hydronium ions that are products of proton transfer. At moderate submonolayer coverages in the 50−60 K range, the acid adsorbate is predominantly molecular. Heating promotes formation of contact hydronium − chloride ion pairs. Near 90 K, an ionization burst is observed, resulting in an ionic surface hydrate layer rich in Zundel cations.
