American Chemical Society
ja301338d_si_001.pdf (695.54 kB)

Slow Magnetic Relaxation Induced by a Large Transverse Zero-Field Splitting in a MnIIReIV(CN)2 Single-Chain Magnet

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journal contribution
posted on 2012-05-02, 00:00 authored by Xiaowen Feng, Junjie Liu, T. David Harris, Stephen Hill, Jeffrey R. Long
The model compounds (NBu4)2[ReCl4(CN)2] (1), (DMF)4ZnReCl4(CN)2 (2), and [(PY5Me2)2Mn2ReCl4(CN)2]­(PF6)2 (3) have been synthesized to probe the origin of the magnetic anisotropy barrier in the one-dimensional coordination solid (DMF)4MnReCl4(CN)2 (4). High-field electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy reveals the presence of an easy-plane anisotropy (D > 0) with a significant transverse component, E, in compounds 13. These findings indicate that the onset of one-dimensional spin correlations within the chain compound 4 leads to a suppression of quantum tunneling of the magnetization within the easy plane, resulting in magnetic bistability and slow relaxation behavior. Within this picture, it is the transverse E term associated with the ReIV centers that determines the easy axis and the anisotropy energy scale associated with the relaxation barrier. The results demonstrate for the first time that slow magnetic relaxation can be achieved through optimization of the transverse anisotropy associated with magnetic ions that possess easy-plane anisotropy, thus providing a new direction in the design of single-molecule and single-chain magnets.
