American Chemical Society
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Significance of Pairing In/Ga Precursor Structures on PEALD InGaOx Thin-Film Transistor

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-06-11, 16:16 authored by TaeHyun Hong, Hyun-Jun Jeong, Hyun-Mo Lee, Su-Hwan Choi, Jun Hyung Lim, Jin-Seong Park
Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a promising deposition method to precisely control the thickness and metal composition of oxide semiconductors, making them attractive materials for use in thin-film transistors because of their high mobility and stability. However, multicomponent deposition using ALD is difficult to control without understanding the growth mechanisms of the precursors and reactants. Thus, the adsorption and surface reactivity of various precursors must be investigated. In this study, InGaO (IGO) semiconductors were deposited by plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (PEALD) using two sets of In and Ga precursors. The first set of precursors consisted of In­(CH3)3[CH3OCH2CH2NHtBu] (TMION) and Ga­(CH3)3­[CH3­OCH2­CH2­NHtBu]) (TMGON), denoted as TM-IGO; the other set of precursors was (CH3)2In­(CH2)3N­(CH3)2 (DADI) and (CH3)3Ga (TMGa), denoted as DT-IGO. We varied the number of InO subcycles between 3 and 19 to control the chemical composition of the ALD-processed films. The indium compositions of TM-IGO and DT-IGO thin films increased as the InO subcycles increased. However, the indium/gallium metal ratios of TM-IGO and DT-IGO were quite different, despite having the same InO subcycles. The steric hindrance of the precursors and different densities of the adsorption sites contributed to the different TM-IGO and DT-IGO metal ratios. The electrical properties of the precursors, such as Hall characteristics and device parameters of the thin-film transistors, were also different, even though the same deposition process was used. These differences might have resulted from the growth behavior, anion/cation ratios, and binding states of the IGO thin films.
