American Chemical Society
jo100320j_si_001.pdf (452.4 kB)

Sequential Synthesis of (E)-α,β-Unsaturated Primary Amides with Complete Stereoselectivity

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journal contribution
posted on 2010-05-21, 00:00 authored by José M. Concellón, Humberto Rodríguez-Solla, Carmen Concellón, Carmen Simal, Noemí Alvaredo
A novel, efficient, and totally stereoselective synthesis of (E)-α,β-unsaturated primary amides is reported. This process is consistent with a SmI2-mediated sequential reaction of an unmasked samarium chloroacetamide enolate with an aldehyde, followed by a β-elimination to produce (E)-α,β-unsaturated primary amides in good yields.
