American Chemical Society

Scanning Nitrogen-Vacancy Magnetometry of Focused-Electron-Beam-Deposited Cobalt Nanomagnets

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-02-07, 15:35 authored by Liza Žaper, Peter Rickhaus, Marcus Wyss, Boris Gross, Kai Wagner, Martino Poggio, Floris Braakman
Focused-electron-beam-induced deposition is a promising technique for patterning nanomagnets in a single step. We fabricate cobalt nanomagnets in such a process and characterize their content, saturation magnetization, and stray magnetic field profiles by using a combination of transmission electron microscopy and scanning nitrogen-vacancy (NV) magnetometry. We find agreement between the measured stray field profiles and saturation magnetization with micromagnetic simulations. We further characterize magnetic domains and grainy stray magnetic fields in the nanomagnets and their halo side-deposits. This work may aid in the evaluation of Co nanomagnets produced through focused electron-beam-induced deposition for applications in spin qubits, magnetic field sensing, and magnetic logic.
