The influence of Escherichia
coliform secretion
(E. coli-secretion) and melamine on the crystallization
of calcium oxalate has been investigated in order to determine its
role in morphological control and the effects on the kinetics of the
calcium oxalate crystals. The crystals obtained were characterized
by scanning electron microscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy,
X-ray powder diffraction, and thermal gravimetric analyzer. At the
same time, conductivity meter and zeta potentiometer have been used
to study the kinetic process of the crystal formation. The results
show that, in the absence of E. coli-secretion, calcium
oxalate monohydrate (COM) was obtained, which is the most stable crystal
form of calcium oxalate and the major component of urinary stones,
while in the presence of the secretion, the obtained crystals were
calcium oxalate dehydrate (COD) instead of COM. Simulation experiments
under artificial urine circumstance further demonstrated the drastic
effect of E. coli-secretion on the calcium oxalate
dihydrate crystal form. Furthermore, the acceleration effect of melamine
on the formation of stones was also studied. Additionally, a slight
influence of melamine on the crystallization of calcium oxalate has
been found for the first time. Thus, a method to inhibit stone has
been found and is expected to provide important data for the development
of the calculi treatment.