American Chemical Society
jz101695d_si_001.pdf (583.82 kB)

Resolution-Enhanced Solid-State NMR 13C−13C Correlation Spectroscopy by Optimal Control Dipolar-Driven Spin-State-Selective Coherence Transfer

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journal contribution
posted on 2015-12-16, 18:40 authored by Cindie Kehlet, Jakob Toudahl Nielsen, Zdenek Tosner, Niels Chr. Nielsen
Using optimal control, we have designed spin-state-selective coherence transfer experiments for biological solid-state NMR based on transfer via dipole−dipole coupling interactions. This enables combined coherence transfer and spin-state-selective excitation using very short pulse sequences compared to previous JCC coupling-based methods, which have not so far been developed for transfer of coherence between spins but only for spin state selection on the origin spin. Furthermore, coherence transfer through the much larger dipole−dipole couplings renders the experiments more forgiving with respect to the demand of very intense proton decoupling during the long excitation periods of JCC-based methods. The optimal control dipolar-driven spin-state-selective coherende transfer (OCDDS3CT) experiment doubles the resolution in the detection dimension of 2D CACO and 3D NCACO experiments, as demonstrated experimentally using uniformly 13C,15N-labeled amino acids, ubiquitin, and fibrils of the SNNFGAILSS fibrillating core of human islet amyloid polypeptide with the FGAIL part labeled with 13C and 15N.
