posted on 2017-10-13, 00:00authored byDaniel R. Kattnig
Birds and several
other species are equipped with the remarkable
ability to sense the geomagnetic field for the purpose of navigation
and orientation. The primary detection mechanism of this compass sense
is uncertain but appears to originate from a truly quantum process
involving spin-correlated radical pairs. In order to elicit sensitivity
to weak magnetic fields, such as the Earth’s magnetic field,
the underlying spin dynamics must be protected from fast decoherence.
In this work, we elucidate the effects of spin relaxation on a recently
suggested reaction scheme involving three radicals, instead of a radical
pair, doublet-quartet interconversion under magnetic interactions,
and a spin-selective scavenging reaction. We show that, besides giving
rise to a vastly enhanced reaction anisotropy, this extended reaction
scheme is more resilient to spin relaxation than the conventional
radical pair mechanism. Surprisingly, the anisotropic magnetic field
effect can be enhanced by fast spin relaxation in one of the radicals
of the primary pair. We discuss this finding in the context of magnetoreception.
Radical scavenging can protect the spin system against fast spin relaxation
in one of the radicals, thereby providing a credible model to the
involvement of fast relaxing radical pairs, such as FADH•/O2•–, in radical-pair based
magnetoreception. This finding will help explain behavioral observations
that seem incompatible with the previously proposed flavin semiquinone/tryptophanyl
radical pair.