QM/MM Analysis Suggests
That Alkaline Phosphatase
(AP) and Nucleotide Pyrophosphatase/Phosphodiesterase Slightly Tighten
the Transition State for Phosphate Diester Hydrolysis Relative to
Solution: Implication for Catalytic Promiscuity in the AP Superfamily
posted on 2012-01-11, 00:00authored byGuanhua Hou, Qiang Cui
Several members of the Alkaline Phosphatase (AP) superfamily
a high level of catalytic proffciency and promiscuity in structurally
similar active sites. A thorough characterization of the nature of
transition state for different substrates in these enzymes is crucial
for understanding the molecular mechanisms that govern those remarkable
catalytic properties. In this work, we study the hydrolysis of a phosphate
diester, MpNPP–, in solution, two experimentally
well-characterized variants of AP (R166S AP, R166S/E322Y AP) and wild
type Nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase (NPP) by QM/MM calculations
in which the QM method is an approximate density functional theory
previously parametrized for phosphate hydrolysis (SCC-DFTBPR). The
general agreements found between these calculations and available
experimental data for both solution and enzymes support the use of
SCC-DFTBPR/MM for a semiquantitative analysis of the catalytic mechanism
and nature of transition state in AP and NPP. Although phosphate diesters
are cognate substrates for NPP but promiscuous substrates for AP,
the calculations suggest that their hydrolysis reactions catalyzed
by AP and NPP feature similar synchronous transition states that are
slightly tighter in nature compared to that in solution, due in part
to the geometry of the bimetallic zinc motif. Therefore, this study
provides the first direct computational support to the hypothesis
that enzymes in the AP superfamily catalyze cognate and promiscuous
substrates via similar transition states to those in solution. Our
calculations do not support the finding of recent QM/MM studies by
López-Canut and co-workers, who suggested that the same diester
substrate goes through a much looser transition state in NPP/AP than
in solution, a result likely biased by the large structural distortion
of the bimetallic zinc site in their simulations. Finally, our calculations
for different phosphate diester orientations and phosphorothioate
diesters highlight that the interpretation of thio-substitution experiments
is not always straightforward.