American Chemical Society
ol3c03811_si_001.pdf (5.75 MB)

Photocatalytic Tandem Radical Cyclization Enables Expeditious Total Synthesis of Epoxyhinokiol Analogues for Anticancer Activity Evaluation

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Version 2 2024-01-22, 20:45
Version 1 2024-01-19, 16:04
journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-22, 20:45 authored by Jian Xiao, Hao Wu, Jia-Rong Liang, Ping Wu, Chen Guo, Ya-Wen Wang, Zhi-Yi Wang, Yu Peng
A photocatalytic radical cascade with an unusual endo-trig cyclization was developed, which enables the efficient assembly of divergent tricyclic diterpenoid frameworks. The first total synthesis of abietane 10-epi-epoxyhinoliol was thus achieved in six steps by a subsequent reductive coupling of i-PrBr under photoredox/nickel dual catalysis. Inhibitory tests of chiral 10-epi-epoxyhinoliol and its analogues in 4T1 cancer cells demonstrated the critical role of the C12 hydroxyl group, leading to a discovery of the simplified analogue with better activity.
