American Chemical Society

Origin of Asymmetry of Paired Nanogap Voltammograms Based on Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy: Contamination Not Adsorption

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-07-18, 00:00 authored by Ran Chen, Ryan J. Balla, Zhiting Li, Haitao Liu, Shigeru Amemiya
Formation of a nanometer-wide gap between tip and substrate electrodes by scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) enables voltammetric measurement of ultrafast electron-transfer kinetics. Herein, we demonstrate the advantage of SECM-based nanogap voltammetry to assess the cleanness of the substrate surface in solution by confirming that airborne contamination of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) causes the nonideal asymmetry of paired nanogap voltammograms of (ferrocenylmethyl)­trimethylammonium (Fc+). We hypothesize that the amperometric response of a 1 μm-diameter Pt tip is less enhanced in the feedback mode, where more hydrophilic Fc2+ is generated from Fc+ at the tip and reduced voltammetrically at the HOPG surface covered with airborne hydrophobic contaminants. The tip current is more enhanced in the substrate generation/tip collection mode, where less charged Fc+ is oxidized at the contaminated HOPG surface. In fact, symmetric pairs of nanogap voltammograms are obtained with the cleaner HOPG surface that is exfoliated in humidified air and covered with a nanometer-thick water adlayer to suppress airborne contamination. This result disproves a misconception that the asymmetry of paired nanogap voltammograms is due to electron exchange mediated by Fc2+ adsorbed on the glass sheath of the tip. Moreover, weak Fc+ adsorption on the HOPG surface causes only the small hysteresis of each voltammogram upon forward and reverse sweeps of the HOPG potential. Significantly, no Fc2+ adsorption on the HOPG surface ensures that the simple outer-sphere pathway mediates ultrafast electron transfer of the Fc2+/+ couple with standard rate constants of ≥12 cm/s as estimated from symmetric pairs of reversible nanogap voltammograms.
