Stoichiometric Binding Identified from
Toxicogenomics Explains Why Some Species Are More Sensitive than Others
to a Widely Used Neonicotinoid
posted on 2021-02-09, 13:09authored byStephen Short, Alex Robinson, Elma Lahive, Amaia Green Etxabe, Szabolcs Hernádi, M. Glória Pereira, Peter Kille, David J. Spurgeon
Neonicotinoids are
currently licensed for use in 120 countries,
making accurate nontarget species sensitivity predictions critical.
Unfortunately, such predictions are fraught with uncertainty, as sensitivity
is extrapolated from only a few test species and neonicotinoid sensitivities
can differ greatly between closely related taxa. Combining classical
toxicology with de novo toxicogenomics could greatly
improve sensitivity predictions and identify unexpectedly susceptible
species. We show that there is a >30-fold differential species
(DSS) for the neonicotinoid imidacloprid between five earthworm species,
a critical nontarget taxon. This variation could not be explained
by differential toxicokinetics. Furthermore, comparing key motif expression
in subunit genes of the classical nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
(nAChR) target predicts only minor differences in the ligand binding
domains (LBDs). In contrast, predicted dissimilarities in LBDs do
occur in the highly expressed but nonclassical targets, acetylcholine
binding proteins (AChBPs). Critically, the predicted AChBP divergence
is capable of explaining DSS. We propose that high expression levels
of putative nonsynaptic AChBPs with high imidacloprid affinities reduce
imidacloprid binding to critical nAChRs involved in vital synaptic
neurotransmission. This study provides a clear example of how pragmatic
interrogation of key motif expression in complex multisubunit receptors
can predict observed DSS, thereby informing sensitivity predictions
for essential nontarget species.