organic–inorganic hybrid halide perovskite MAPbBr3 has been considered as a promising material in many applications;
however, the bulk MAPbBr3 crystals grown by the widely
adopted inverse temperature crystallization (ITC) method without forced
convection reveal poor reproducibility and moderate quality. Here,
we employ a near-net-shape seeded solution method to grow inch-sized
MAPbBr3 crystals as a space-confined way to approach the
suitable thickness and minimize the loss resulting by cutting and
polishing. The rotation parameters for introducing forced convection
is determined according to solute transport behavior, which is associated
with the space confinement thickness and rotation rate. The as-grown
MAPbBr3 crystal with good homogeneity exhibits a recorded
FWHM value of 0.011° in the high-resolution X-ray diffraction
rocking curve, ascribed to the lower grown-in stress and strain by
the liquid-phase epitaxial growth. Finally, the MAPbBr3 semiconducting photodetector demonstrates a relatively high resistivity
of 3.75 × 108 Ω·cm and superior photoresponse
under 405 nm laser. The near-net-shape synthesis method with a space
confinement is potentially extended to the growth of other halide
perovskite bulk crystals.