modern time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOFMS) instruments
use fast analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) with high-speed digitizers
to record mass spectra with extended dynamic range (compared to time-to-digital
conversion). The extended dynamic range offered by ADC detection is
critical for accurate measurement of transient events. However, the
use of ADC also increases the variance of the measurements by sampling
the gain statistics of electron multipliers (EMs) used for detection.
The influence of gain statistics on the shape of TOF signal distributions
is especially pronounced at low count rates and is a major contributor
to measurement variance. Here, we use Monte Carlo methods to simulate
low-ion-count TOFMS signals as a function of Poisson statistics and
the measured pulse-height distribution (PHD) of the EM detection system.
We find that a compound Poisson distribution calculated via Monte
Carlo simulation effectively describes the shape of measured TOFMS
signals. Additionally, we apply Monte Carlo simulation results to
single-particle inductively coupled plasma (sp-ICP) TOFMS analysis.
We demonstrate that subtraction of modeled TOFMS signals can be used
to quantitatively uncover particle-signal distributions buried beneath
dissolved-signal backgrounds. On the basis of simulated signal distributions,
we also calculate new critical values (LC) that are used as decision thresholds for the detection of discrete
particles. This new detection criterion better accounts for the shape
of dissolved signal distributions and therefore provides more robust
identification of single particles with ICP-TOFMS.