adsorption of hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene
(HBC) on NaCl and KBr bilayers deposited on Ag(111) is studied by
scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy at low temperature
(5 K). HBC tends to move under the influence of the STM tip on NaCl/Ag(111),
even in the mildest imaging conditions, preventing the imaging of
its molecular electronic resonances (MERs). It is more stable on KBr,
due to a higher diffusion barrier, as confirmed by a force-field based
calculation of its adsorption on both surfaces. The MER associated
with the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of HBC is imaged
and analyzed in detail on KBr/Ag(111). Assemblies of two to four HBC
could be built on NaCl by lateral manipulations with the STM tip.
These objects present a higher stability than single molecules making
them more amenable to MER imaging in a large bias voltage range. While
the constituting molecules are too far apart to interact chemically,
their electronic clouds overlap, producing in some cases complex images
of the MERs that are difficult to disentangle to extract the single
molecule contributions. This problem is examined by comparing the
images of a two HBC assembly to those of a single molecule on KBr.
A combination rule is proposed that could be extended to extract single
molecule contributions from larger assemblies.