posted on 2016-07-28, 00:00authored byVictoria C. Cotham, William
M. McGee, Jennifer S. Brodbelt
labile nature of phosphoryl groups has presented a long-standing challenge
for the characterization of protein phosphorylation via conventional
mass spectrometry-based bottom-up proteomics methods. Collision-induced
dissociation (CID) causes preferential cleavage of the phospho-ester
bond of peptides, particularly under conditions of low proton mobility,
and results in the suppression of sequence-informative fragmentation
that often prohibits phosphosite determination. In the present study,
the fragmentation patterns of phosphopeptides are improved through
ion/ion-mediated peptide derivatization with 4-formyl-1,3-benezenedisulfonic
acid (FBDSA) anions using a dual spray reactor. This approach exploits
the strong electrostatic interactions between the sulfonate moieties
of FBDSA and basic sites to facilitate gas-phase bioconjugation and
to reduce charge sequestration and increase the yield of phosphate-retaining
sequence ions upon CID. Moreover, comparative CID fragmentation analysis
between unmodified phosphopeptides and those modified online with
FBDSA or in solution via carbamylation and 4-sulfophenyl isothiocyanate
(SPITC) provided evidence for sulfonate interference with charge-directed
mechanisms that result in preferential phosphate elimination. Our
results indicate the prominence of charge-directed neighboring group
participation reactions involved in phosphate neutral loss, and the
implementation of ion/ion reactions in a dual spray reactor setup
provides a means to disrupt the interactions by competing hydrogen-bonding
interactions between sulfonate groups and the side chains of basic