American Chemical Society

Modeling of Copper Sorption onto GFH and Design of Full-Scale GFH Adsorbers

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journal contribution
posted on 2006-03-01, 00:00 authored by Michele Steiner, Wouter Pronk, Markus A. Boller
During rain events, copper wash-off occurring from copper roofs results in environmental hazards. In this study, columns filled with granulated ferric hydroxide (GFH) were used to treat copper-containing roof runoff. It was shown that copper could be removed to a high extent. A model was developed to describe this removal process. The model was based on the Two Region Model (TRM), extended with an additional diffusion zone. The extended model was able to describe the copper removal in long-term experiments (up to 125 days) with variable flow rates reflecting realistic runoff events. The four parameters of the model were estimated based on data gained with specific column experiments according to maximum sensitivity for each parameter. After model validation, the parameter set was used for the design of full-scale adsorbers. These full-scale adsorbers show high removal rates during extended periods of time.
