posted on 2023-09-08, 15:16authored byArdavan Farahvash, Mayank Agrawal, Andrew A. Peterson, Adam P. Willard
The atomic vibrations of a solid
surface can play a significant
role in the reactions of surface-bound molecules, as well as their
adsorption and desorption. Relevant phonon modes can involve the collective
motion of atoms over a wide array of length scales. In this paper,
we demonstrate how the generalized Langevin equation can be utilized
to describe these collective motions weighted by their coupling to
individual sites. Our approach builds upon the generalized Langevin
oscillator (GLO) model originally developed by Tully. We extend the
GLO by deriving parameters from atomistic simulation data. We apply
this approach to study the memory kernel of a model platinum surface
and demonstrate that the memory kernel has a bimodal form due to coupling
to both low-energy acoustic modes and high-energy modes near the Debye
frequency. The same bimodal form was observed across a wide variety
of solids of different elemental compositions, surface structures,
and solvation states. By studying how these dominant modes depend
on the simulation size, we argue that the acoustic modes are frozen
in the limit of macroscopic lattices. By simulating periodically replicated
slabs of various sizes, we quantify the influence of phonon confinement
effects in the memory kernel and their concomitant effect on simulated
sticking coefficients.