evolution of anisotropic strain in epitaxial Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3 films grown on (LaAlO3)0.3(SrAl0.5Ta0.5O3)0.7(110)
substrates has been characterized by off-specular
X-ray reciprocal space mappings on the (130), (310), (222), and (222̅)
reflections in the scattering zone containing the [110] axis. We demonstrate
that a multistage hierarchical structural evolution (single-domain-like
structure, domain ordering, twin domains, and/or periodic structural
modulations) occurs as the film thickness increases, and the structural
modulation between the two transverse in-plane [11̅0] and [001]
directions is quite different due to the monoclinic distortion of
the film. We then show the relationship between the distribution of
diffraction spots in reciprocal space and their corresponding domain
configurations in real space under various thicknesses, which is closely
correlated with thickness-dependent magnetic and magnetotransport
properties. More importantly, the distribution and annihilation dynamics
of the domain ordering are imaged utilizing home-built magnetic force
microscope, revealing that the structural domains tilted toward either
the [001] or [001̅] direction are arranged along the [11̅1]
and [1̅11] crystal orientations. The direct visualization and
dynamics of anisotropic-strain-related domain ordering will open a
new path toward the control and manipulation of domain engineering
in strongly correlated perovskite oxide films.