American Chemical Society
np9903191_si_001.pdf (427.59 kB)

Long-Range 1H−15N Heteronuclear Shift Correlation at Natural Abundance

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journal contribution
posted on 2000-03-18, 00:00 authored by Gary E. Martin, Chad E. Hadden
Despite the inherently low sensitivity of 15N NMR because of its low gyromagnetic ratio (γN) and its relatively low natural abundance (0.37%), this important nuclide still has useful potential as a structural probe even at natural abundance. Inverse-detected NMR methods coupled with major advances in NMR probe designs have made it possible to acquire long-range 1H−15N heteronuclear shift correlation data on samples as small as a micromole overnight. Chemical shift referencing schemes for 15N and the range of 15N shifts are discussed, followed by a discussion of the currently available pulse sequences, pulse calibration, parametrization and processing of long-range 1H−15N data, and the implications of probe selection. These topics are followed by a review of the applications contained in the literature that have utilized 1H−15N heteronuclear shift correlation experiments at natural abundance, with emphasis placed on the observed long-range coupling pathways.
