American Chemical Society

Large Thermoelectric Power Factor Enhancement Observed in InAs Nanowires

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-02-18, 22:18 authored by Phillip M. Wu, Johannes Gooth, Xanthippi Zianni, Sofia Fahlvik Svensson, Jan Göran Gluschke, Kimberly A. Dick, Claes Thelander, Kornelius Nielsch, Heiner Linke
We report the observation of a thermoelectric power factor in InAs nanowires that exceeds that predicted by a single-band bulk model by up to an order of magnitude at temperatures below about 20 K. We attribute this enhancement effect not to the long-predicted 1D subband effects but to quantum-dot-like states that form in electrostatically nonuniform nanowires as a result of interference between propagating states and 0D resonances.
