American Chemical Society

Interaction of Myelin Basic Protein with Actin in the Presence of Dodecylphosphocholine Micelles

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journal contribution
posted on 2010-08-17, 00:00 authored by Vladimir V. Bamm, Mumdooh A. M. Ahmed, George Harauz
The 18.5 kDa myelin basic protein (MBP), the most abundant splice isoform in human adult myelin, is a multifunctional, intrinsically disordered protein that maintains compact assembly of the myelin sheath in the central nervous system. Protein deimination and phosphorylation are two key posttranslational modifications whose balance determines local myelin microdomain stability and function. It has previously been shown that MBP in solution causes both polymerization of G-actin to F-actin and bundling of the microfilaments, and binds them to a negatively charged membrane. However, the binding parameters, and the roles of different possible interacting domains of membrane-associated MBP, have not yet been investigated. Here, we compared the interaction of unmodified (rmC1) and pseudodeiminated (rmC8) recombinant murine MBP (full-length charge variants), and of two terminal deletion variants (rmΔC and rmΔN), with actin in the presence of DPC (dodecylphosphocholine) to mimic a membrane environment. Our results show that although both charge variants polymerized and bundled actin, the maximal polymerization/bundling due to rmC1 occurred at a lower molar ratio compared to rmC8. In the presence of DPC, rmC1 appeared to be more active than rmC8 in its ability to polymerize and bundle actin, and the binding affinity of both charge variants to G-actin became higher. Moreover, of the two deletion variants studied in the presence of DPC, the one lacking the C-terminal domain (rmΔC) was more active compared to the variant lacking the N-terminal domain (rmΔN) but exhibited weaker binding to actin. Thus, whereas the N-terminal domain of MBP can be more important for the MBP’s actin polymerization activity and membrane-association, the C-terminal domain can regulate its interaction with actin.
