Crystallization of AlPO4-5 with AFI structure under
solvent-free conditions has been investigated. Attention was mainly
focused on the characterization of the intermediate phases formed
at the early stages during the crystallization. The development in
the long-range ordering of the solid phases as a function of crystallization
time was monitored by XRD, SEM, IR, UV-Raman, and MAS NMR techniques.
Particularly, the UV-Raman spectroscopy was employed to obtain the
information on the formation process of the framework. J-HMQC 27Al/31P double-resonance NMR experiments
were used to identify the P–O–Al bonded species in the
intermediate phases. For the first time the P–O–Al bonded
species in the intermediate phases can be correctly described through
using this advanced NMR technique. The crystallization under solvent-free
conditions appears to follow the pathway: The initial amorphous raw
material is converted to an intermediate phase which has four-/six-membered
ring species, then gradually transformed into crystalline AlPO4-5. This observation is not consistent with the common idea
that the intermediate phase is the semicrystalline intermediates with
a three-dimensional structure.