posted on 2016-10-05, 00:00authored byWenchao Huang, Naresh Chandrasekaran, Shyamal K. K. Prasad, Eliot Gann, Lars Thomsen, Dinesh Kabra, Justin
M. Hodgkiss, Yi-Bing Cheng, Christopher R. McNeill
Here, a comprehensive study of the
influence of polymer:fullerene
mixing behavior on the performance, thin-film microstructure, photophysics,
and device physics of polymer solar cells is presented. In particular,
blends of the donor polymer PBDTTT-EFT with the acceptor PC71BM that exhibit power conversion efficiencies over 9% are investigated.
Through tuning of the fullerene concentration in PBDTTT-EFT:PC71BM blends, the impact of fullerene mixing behavior is systematically
investigated via a combination of synchrotron-based X-ray scattering
and spectroscopy techniques. The impact of fullerene loading on photophysics
and device physics is further explored with steady-state photoluminescence
measurements, ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy, and transient
photovoltage measurements. In the low fullerene concentration regime
(<50 wt %), most fullerene molecules are dispersed in the polymer
matrix, resulting in severe geminate and nongeminate recombination
due to a lack of pure fullerene aggregates and percolating pathways
for charge separation and transport. In the high fullerene concentration
regime (>70 wt %), large fullerene domains result in incomplete
PC71BM exciton harvesting with the presence of fullerene
also disrupting the molecular packing of polymer crystallites. The
optimum fullerene concentration of ∼60–67 wt % balances
the requirements of charge generation and charge collection. These
findings demonstrate that controlling the fullerene concentration
in the mixed phase and optimizing the balance between pure and mixed
phases are critical for maximizing the efficiency of highly mixed
polymer/fullerene solar cells.