t-Butyl-6-cyano-(3R,5R)-dihydroxyhexanoate is an advanced
chiral precursor for
the synthesis of the side chain pharmacophore of cholesterol-lowering
drug atorvastatin. Herein, a robust carbonyl reductase (LbCR) was newly identified from Lactobacillus brevis, which displays high activity and excellent diastereoselectivity
toward bulky t-butyl 6-cyano-(5R)-hydroxy-3-oxo-hexanoate (7). The engineered Escherichia coli cells harboring LbCR and
glucose dehydrogenase (for cofactor regeneration) were employed as
biocatalysts for the asymmetric reduction of substrate 7. As a result, as much as 300 g L–1 of water-insoluble
substrate was completely converted to the corresponding chiral diol
with >99.5% de in a space–time yield of
g L–1 d–1, indicating a great
potential of LbCR for practical synthesis of the
very bulky and bi-chiral 3,5-dihydroxy carboxylate
side chain of best-selling statin drugs.