Photochemically produced reactive
intermediates (PPRIs) by natural
photosensitizers such as chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM)
play numerous key roles in aquatic biogeochemical processes. PPRI
productions rely on both the intensity and the spectrum of incident
sunlight. While the impacts of sunlight intensity on PPRI productions
are well-studied, there remains insufficient understanding of the
spectrum-dependence of PPRI productions. Here we designed a high sample
throughput reactor equipped with monochromatic LED lights for systematic
assessments of wavelength-dependent productions of four important
PPRI species, i.e., triplet-state excited CDOM (3CDOM*),
singlet oxygen (1O2), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and hydroxyl radical (•OH),
in CDOM solutions. The quantum yields of PPRIs followed the order: 3CDOM* > 1O2 ≫ H2O2 > •OH. Moreover, PPRI quantum
yields decreased
with the light wavelength increasing from 375 to 490 nm and sharply
decreased to zero above 490 nm, while the shapes of quantum yield
spectra differed among PPRI species. Simulations on PPRI productions
under varying season, latitude, altitude, and cloud cover conditions
show that the sunlight spectrum plays a role as equally important
as intensity in determining PPRI productions and PPRI-mediated transformations
of aquatic nutrients and micropollutants. Therefore, incorporating
the spectrum dependence of PPRI productions will advance our understandings
of PPRI-driven biogeochemical processes and pollutant dynamics under
varying spatial-temporal and climatic conditions. Regarding this,
the high sample throughput LED reactor sheds light on a new approach
for the facile characterization of PPRI quantum yield spectrum.