(NC–CH2CHO) is considered,
together with guanidine and urea, as a precursor of the pyrimidine
bases cytosine and uracil. Although it has not yet been detected in
the interstellar medium (ISM), several hypotheses have been put forward
about its synthesis in solution and in the gas phase. In this paper,
we present a gas-phase model of the barrierless reaction between formyl
(HCO) and cyanomethyl (CH2CN) radicals leading to cyanoacetaldehyde
and focus on its evolution through isomerization and dissociation
pathways. The potential-energy surface for all reactions has been
explored by DFT calculations employing double-hybrid functionals and
further refined through the “Cheap” composite scheme.
Our results indicate that the direct association of the two reacting
radicals (HCO and CH2CN) is strongly exothermic and thus
thermodynamically favored under the harsh conditions of the ISM. Microcanonical
rate constants computed with the help of the StarRate program for
energies up to 6 kJ mol–1 above the dissociation
limit show that the most abundant products are the two conformers
of cyanoacetaldehyde (nitrile and carbonyl groups in a cis or trans
configuration) which, despite having comparable stability, are obtained
with a cis/trans ratio of 0.35:0.65. The formation of other products
with relative abundances not exceeding 10% is also discussed.